Saturday, June 6, 2009

Farm House

We are in the process of building a new "house" in Clay County. We started working on it a few months ago, but the real building process began on May 22, 2009. We had done some clearing and such before that, but that is when the concrete people were ready to move in.

This is looking at the walkout in our new basement...with Glen doing the supervising...The first half of the digging was done on May 25th...they finished the digging the next day.

They started setting the forms on May 31st. We are anxious to get the real walls in place. It has been a rather slow process because of all the rain that we have had. They got all the house walls set the same day and then came back the next day to set the shop walls.

The walls have been poured! They did a really good job! They poured them on June 4th, after yet another rain delay. We're anxious to get onto the framing, but it sounds like that won't be happening until around August 1st...the framers are behind due to rain also.

This is a view of the house looking from inside the shed. We are looking west towards the road. The shed is on the backside of the house, so we are looking across the house...the front of it being the farthest away.